Off to England


My excitement never ends; John is taking me to England to attend the special wedding of his nephew Phillpo. I am really excited as we will be flying and this will be my first time in an airplane, whoopee, up above the clouds I am such a lucky bear.
I have been given a pet passport which will ensure I get through the customs without too much trouble and not have to spend a long time in Quarantine, John took me to the vets the other day to get the special injections I needed to travel. The vet was a nice young lady who assured me that the huge needle she was about to push into me would not hurt, I was not so sure, she squirted some liquid in the air, rubbed my paw with cotton wool soaked in antiseptic liquid and…Ouch! Well, she was wrong about that.
I have heard many stories about England, especially about a famous forest near to where we are going called Sherwood Forest where it is said a heroic outlaw named Robin Hood lived. Hopefully, I will get to the forest and see if it`s like home.
It seems we will be going to many places before and after the wedding, so I will be making notes for my blogs, I may even write while I am there, John said he would ask the family to lend me a tablet, I asked why, was I going to be ill, he laughed and told me it was a mini computer. Now if I can write while I am there I know Tom will be pleased, he say`s I am making progress with my writing, but need to do more, Professor Bearliston used to say the same.
The weather is much cooler in England so I have been told, that will be a welcome change from the heat of Cyprus, it’s really too hot when you are covered in fur.
I am also looking forward to seeing John’s wife Ntina who went to England earlier to help with the wedding, she has been over there for five weeks and we have missed her, I think John has missed her cooking more than anything else though.
Well, I am helping John to pack, he doesn’t do it like Ntina, and I think she will have something to say when he opens the case in England.
To read my Blogs or to buy my book: The Tales of Padistan Bear The Beginning.. just go to my website and click on buy.
Happy clicking everyone, wish me luck in England Thank You…Padistan

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